Many invest hundreds of dollars a week in leads to find qualified prospects. This is not unlike other businesses worldwide.
Leads are incredible because these individuals are actively searching for what you are offering. They will know other shoppers, non-profits, and members that can help you towards your goals. Some business leaders have built their entire business earning thousands per week from leads alone.
For brand new people below the coordinator level that are still very uncomfortable on the phone start with something like this if necessary:
Key point: Remember your expert is here to help you as a mentor type not a secretary. Treat them with respect. Many times we get into such a hurry to fix our financial lives that we don’t treat our business like a business. We need to be thankful that we have this opportunity to change our lives forever.
“Hello,my name is “your name” and I work with an internet company. Is “their name” there? Hi “their name” you had filled out some information about working from home. Is this still an interest for you?
If Yes– Great, I’d love to ask you a couple quick questions about yourself to see if we have a match and then I will go into more detail about our great company.
Are you looking for something part time or full time?
Are you working right now?
Have you ever tried anything from home before?
Our company has been the right fit for many people throughout the world. We focus on affiliate marketing, have you heard of that before?
Instead of marketing one product or service our company started over 10 years ago gathering agreements with existing amazing companies like walmart, ebay, bestbuy, getting paid on daily activities like watching videos from our cell phones and searching the internet, and some of the best health products in the world. After 10 years we are proud of our A+ rating with the BBB and we now have over 1,000 stores from around the world. We work with other businesses, non-profits, and people like you and I to use our websites and earn %’s for helping them. I think you are going to love it when you sign up for our free tour. Do you have a pen and piece of paper? Our website is Also read the site out to them “Our G as in Global V as in Vision” and have them read back what they wrote)
When do you think you will have a chance to see that?
I will follow up with you then and help you with your initial questions. Some people have been so excited about this they feel they’ve been waiting their whole lives for this! I think you will feel the same way but you will most likely have some great questions too and we will set you up with an amazing online live webinar to go over more details.
Here is my contact info if you need me. (give them your name and phone number)
I will talk to you later!
If No– Thank you for your time. (Hurry on to the next one!)
When asked something like “What do you do?”, “What is it?”, or something like that- We work in the industry of affiliate marketing. Our company has over 1,500 stores like,,, Yahoo!, the best health products in the world and many more. We get paid for driving traffic to these stores. I don’t want to confuse you at all over the phone that is why we need to have you watch the videos on the website and then I’m excited to have you talk to one of the top people in the company. I would hate to not answer your questions.
When calling leads call them one time through and leave messages repeating your phone number twice. Then call them through at a different time of day at least once more. Do not worry about leaving a second message.
For new people (More advanced people will go through more steps on their own):
A. Step One: phone call using pre-screen short script, give website, and make sure they want a business. Make sure to promote/edify your expert who will be following up. Do not create a specific time as your expert is very busy and you don’t know their schedule.
B. Step Two: Make sure to promote your expert as being someone of value that can help explain things in more detail. That your expert’s time is very valuable and what are a couple of options time wise that you can check if your expert is available for a 3 way call.
C. Step Three: Check with your expert about their availability and set up the 3 way call.
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