Here are the Big Ones:
-Post great content
-Write a professional bio
-Engage with others
-Make sure your content is shareable
-Reshare other people’s content
-Reach out to influencers
-Stay active
-Follow other users
Meformers — Users who post social media updates mostly relating to themselves
Informers — Users who post updates that are mostly information-sharing
Informers have more than two times the followers of meformers.
Create amazing things and be a leader in your industry. Then don’t forget to mention it in your bio. Terms like author, expert, founder, and official can be powerful assets to growing your followers.
To get a lot of followers, minimize the number of those who unfollow you. Avoid bursts by sending your updates with a scheduler like Buffer or Hootsuite. And keep in mind other types of updates to avoid—politics, mundane topics, lack of personality, etc.
Give things away. Twitter users love discounts and freebies, and they are likely to follow a brand to get some goods. If you can add value in this way—along with your content strategy and branding—you might see your followers grow.
Post to social media often, as part of a consistent, dependable strategy. You’re bound to get better as you go, and people are going to notice and appreciate that you’re sticking around to stay connected.
Share happily. Take care to avoid coming across as sad, aggressive, angry, cynical, or morbid with your social media updates. Users notice. They’re more likely to follow a positive account than a depressed one!